This is important to know. This type of eyelid surgery blepharoplasty is very specialized. In order to get the best results you will need to seek out a surgeon with experience and specialization in the procedure.
It's never surgery to raise eyelids early or too late to start using eye creams. In fact, many women begin applying anti wrinkle cream around their eyes in their teens to maintain the quality of their youthful skin for many, many years.
Dry eye syndrome is a common problem. Nearly 5 million Americans age 50 and older are estimated to have dry eye, according to the National Eye Institute. Millions of additional people have mild symptoms.
Do remember that despite this surgery your skin will continue to age, so you may need more surgery in future. Some people opt to have additional cosmetic operations, such as a face lift, carried out at the same time for maximum effect - kind of like one-stop shopping for the face! You might even want otoplasty (ear pinning) or mentoplasty (a chin implant) at the same time...
Let people help you. Make sure that you have a friend around to help you with Eyelid surgery daily tasks such as taking a bath or household chores for the first three days. Avoid bending over and straining yourself physically.
Rest. Take it easy following the surgery and stay reclined, especially for the first few days. You do not have to keep your eyes closed, just relaxed. Watching TV, reading, and using the computer are acceptable activities but may not be very easy if there is much swelling and temporary blurred vision.
As the years go-by people see the benefits, they have the eyes of a twenty-year-old in their forties and are certainly happy they have been using the best anti wrinkle eye cream.